【2010年6月29日、ロンドン】 -代表的な債券市場のベンチマークを提供するバークレイズ・キャピタルは、本日より新しい新興市場現地通貨建て国債インデックスの算出を開始しました。今回導入されるインデックスは、既に公表されているバークレイズ・キャピタル新興市場債ベンチマーク・インデックスの国内市場カバレッジを拡充し、投資家の皆様に現地通貨建ての新興市場債ポートフォリオや、先進国と新興国市場双方の国債を含むグローバルなポートフォリオの新たなトータル・リターン・ベンチマークを提供するものです。
- 米ドル、ユーロ、および英ポンド建て新興市場債インデックス(ソブリンおよびクレジットのベンチマーク)
- 新興市場取引可能米ドル建てソブリン債券インデックス
- 新興市場現地通貨建て国債インデックス
- 地域別新興市場クレジット・インデックス
- GDP加重新興市場債インデックス
- アドバンスト新興市場債インデックス
- 新興市場物価連動国債インデックス
- 取引可能新興市場スワップ・インデックス
- 取引可能新興市場外国為替(FX)インデックス
バークレイズ・キャピタルのインデックス・プラットフォームは、アルファおよびベータ獲得のための投資・市場分析、ポートフォリオとベンチマークの対比・パフォーマンス分析、資産配分、インデックス・ファンドの組成およびインデックスに基づいたストラクチャー商品など、グローバルな投資家のさまざまなニーズにお応えするため、市場をリードするベンチマーク・インデックスとアルファを獲得するためのインデックス商品を提供しています。バークレイズ・キャピタルの債券インデックスは資産運用の世界においてもっとも広く活用されるベンチマークであり、米国機関投資家の90%以上、過半数の欧州投資家に用いられ、アジア・パシフィック地域でも活用が広がっています。バークレイズ・キャピタル・インデックスは、バークレイズ・キャピタル・ライブおよび www.barcap.com/indices にて参照いただくことが可能です。
バークレイズ・キャピタルは、バークレイズ・バンク・ピーエルシー(バークレイズ銀行)の投資銀行部門です。 独自のビジネスモデルに基づき、世界中の政府、金融機関、事業法人に向けて広範囲にわたる戦略的アドバイス、資金調達およびリスク管理に関するサービスを提供しています。バークレイズ・キャピタルは、世界各国で20,000人以上の社員を擁し、世界中のお客様のニーズに的確に対応する業務体制を敷いております。詳しくはバークレイズ・キャピタルのウェブサイトをご参照ください。 www.barclayscapital.com
バークレイズ・キャピタル広報 林原 麻里子 TEL 81 3 4530 5623
London (June 29, 2010) – Barclays Capital, publisher of leading broad market bond benchmarks, today announced the launch of a new Emerging Markets (EM) Local Currency Government Bond Index family. This index family expands the local market coverage of the existing Barclays Capital EM benchmark index platform and offers investors a new total return benchmark for local currency EM portfolios or global portfolios that include both developed and emerging market government debt.
“This new index is a clear example of the reach of our Emerging Markets research and index platforms,” said Larry Kantor, Head of Research at Barclays Capital. “Benchmark indices are an important tool for global investors as both performance targets and accurate measures of market returns and risk characteristics.”
The Barclays Capital EM Local Currency Government Index is a broad-based index that measures the total return of 20 different local currency government debt markets spanning Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The flagship index is available as a market value-weighted benchmark, country capped/diversified index, or equal-weighted index. An even broader EM Local Currency Government Universal index, including local currency debt from China and India, is also available as part of this new family. In addition, Barclays Capital offers investors bespoke index solutions that allow investors to design benchmark products with user-defined country inclusion lists or weighting schemes from our broad index offering.
“Barclays Capital now offers a complete Emerging Markets index family that measures both local and external EM debt markets in addition to its flagship Aggregate, Inflation-Linked and High-Yield index families,” said Waqas Samad, Head of Index, Portfolio and Risk Solutions for Barclays Capital. “Global debt managers, many of whom are already using Barclays Capital benchmarks for their fixed income assets, will benefit directly from the unmatched depth, expertise, and client solutions offered by our benchmark index platform.”/p>
The Barclays Capital EM index platform offers an extensive range of index products, including:
- USD, EUR and GBP-denominated EM bond indices (both sovereign and credit benchmarks)
- EM Tradable USD Sovereign Bond Index
- EM Local Currency Government Bond Indices
- Regional EM Credit Indices
- GDP Weighted EM Bond Indices
- Advanced EM Debt Indices
- EM Inflation-Linked Bond Indices
- Tradable EM Swaps Indices
- Tradable EM Foreign Exchange (FX) Indices
In addition, a number of local currency investment-grade EM debt markets are represented in widely-used Barclays Capital broad market benchmarks such as the Global Aggregate Index. With the launch of a new EM local currency government index, Barclays Capital is able to offer EM investors a more complete solution for benchmarking the EM asset class with external, local currency, or blended benchmark products.
EM Indices data can be accessed on Barclays Capital Live, Barclays Capital POINT®, and on Bloomberg®.
For further information, please contact:
Phillippa-Jane Vermoter
+44 20 3134 0130
Seth Martin
+1 212 412 7565
About Barclays Capital Index, Portfolio and Risk Solutions
The Barclays Capital Indices platform offers market-leading benchmarks and other index products to meet the diverse needs of global investors including investment and market analysis of both alpha and beta sources, portfolio benchmarking and performance measurement, asset allocation, and the creation of index tracking funds and index-based structured products.
About Barclays Capital
Barclays Capital is the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC. With a distinctive business model, Barclays Capital provides large corporate, government and institutional clients with a full spectrum of solutions to their strategic advisory, financing and risk management needs. Barclays Capital has offices around the world, employs over 23,000 people and has the global reach, advisory services and distribution power to meet the needs of issuers and investors worldwide. For further information about Barclays Capital, please visit our website: www.barclayscapital.com.
Barclays Capital - the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England 1026167. Registered office 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and a member of the London Stock Exchange.