【2011年6月23日、ニューヨーク(和文配信6月24日)】 バークレイズ・キャピタルは本日、四半期旗艦レポートの最新号「Global Outlook : Stay the Course(グローバル・アウトルック:リスク資産に対する中立姿勢を維持)」を発行しました。2011年3月発行の前回「グローバル・アウトルック」で、当社はそれまで2年間続けたリスク選好型ポジションからより慎重なアプローチへと転換しました。最新号ではこの推奨を維持しています。一方、当社は今後数ヵ月間に世界経済、特に米国経済が改善すると予想しており、足元のセンチメントの悪化は行き過ぎの可能性があるとみています。
- 政策の下支えが続き、絶対ベースのバリュエーションがなお妥当でキャッシュと債券の双方に対して割安感がある株式、特に米国株を選好する
- 金融政策は極めて緩和的で、景気敏感セクターの稼働率が依然低いことから、「景気二番底」の可能性は非常に低い
- 米欧では財政問題が解消されず、EMではインフレと金融引き締めの圧力が高まっているため、上値は限定的だろう
バークレイズ・キャピタルは、業界最高のリサーチをグローバル規模でお客様にお届けすることを目指してい ます。約800人のプロフェッショナルからなるチームを擁し、あらゆる調査領域、資産クラス、地域をカバーしています。
バークレイズ・キャピタル広報 林原麻里子 / 戸塚真理奈 TEL +81 3 4530 5623 / 5602
“Global Outlook” research forecast sees continued uncertainty over fiscal issues in US and Europe, but recommends a neutral position toward risky assets
New York, June 23, 2011 – Investors should retain a neutral position toward risky assets, Barclays Capital today said in its latest flagship quarterly research publication, Global Outlook: Stay the Course. This stance is consistent with the March 2011 Global Outlook, in which Barclays Capital recommended a more cautious approach to markets after two years of risk-embracing positions. However, with a forecast for better economic growth in the next few months – particularly in the US – the recent decline in sentiment may be overdone.
“Risks around fiscal issues in Europe and the US will persist, but we expect the news over the next few months to take a turn for the better in several areas,” said Larry Kantor, Head of Research. “Therefore we do not advise any further pullback in positions, and see the current market correction as having opened some tactical opportunities.”
While upside is likely to be limited by a lack of resolution of the debt situations in Europe and the US, and by continued risks of inflation and monetary tightening in large emerging economies such as China, improved economic growth and the avoidance of a near-term crisis around a Greek default may represent a tactical buying opportunity into the summer, the report notes.
Additional themes of Barclays Capital’s Global Outlook include:
- A preference for equities, particularly in the US, where policy will stay supportive, and valuations remain reasonable in absolute terms and cheap relative to both cash and bonds
- With extremely accommodative monetary policies and cyclical sectors still at low operating levels, a “double-dip” recession is quite unlikely
- The lack of resolution of fiscal problems in Europe and the US, as well as inflation and tightening pressures in Emerging Markets, will cap market gains going forward
About Barclays Capital’s Global Outlook
The Global Outlook research report, published quarterly, provides an assessment of all major economies and outlines the likely implications for global financial markets, including commodities, credit, economics, emerging markets, equities, fixed income and foreign exchange.
About Barclays Capital Research
Barclays Capital is committed to bringing our clients a best-in-class, global research franchise. The firm has a team of approximately 800 professionals covering every Research discipline, every asset class and every region. In 2010 Barclays Capital was named Best Bank for Credit Research and Best Index Provider in the Credit Magazine Americas Awards, was named Commodities Research House of the Year in the EnergyRisk Asia Awards, ranked #1 for Fixed Income Research by FinanceAsia, ranked #1 for Overall Trade Ideas, #1 for Sovereigns Research, and #1 for Supranational and Agencies Research in the Euromoney Fixed Income Research Poll, and ranked #1 for Bond Market Indexes and # 1 for web-based tools in the Institutional Investor All-America Fixed Income Research Poll.