


【2011年1月11日、ロンドン(和文リリース配信1月12日)】 -主要債券市場ベンチマークを提供するバークレイズ・キャピタルは本日、新たに新興市場取引可能自国通貨建て債券(EMLOCAL)インデックスの算出を開始しました。従来よりバークレイズ・キャピタルは外貨建て債券・自国通貨建て債券・物価連動債の各ベンチマーク・インデックス、投資可能債券インデックス、FXインデックス、株式インデックス、金利スワップ・インデックスなどの一連の新興市場インデックスを展開しており、このたび、これに新たにEMLOCALインデックスが加わりました。










バークレイズ・キャピタルは、バークレイズ・バンク・ピーエルシー(バークレイズ銀行)の投資銀行部門です。 独自のビジネスモデルに基づき、世界中の政府、金融機関、事業法人に向けて広範囲にわたる戦略的アドバイス、資金調達およびリスク管理に関するサービスを提供しています。バークレイズ・キャピタルは、世界各国で25,000人以上の社員を擁し、世界中のお客様のニーズに的確に対応する業務体制を敷いております。詳しくはバークレイズ・キャピタルのウェブサイトをご参照ください。 www.barclayscapital.com

バークレイズ・キャピタル 広報:  林原麻里子 / 戸塚真理奈    TEL +81 3 4530 5623 / 5602

バークレイズ・キャピタル インデックス・ポートフォリオ・リスク・ソリューション部門: 
多湖 理 TEL +81 3 4530 1722

New York/London (January 11, 2010) – Barclays Capital, publisher of leading fixed income benchmark indices, today announced the launch of a new Emerging Markets Tradable Local Currency Bond (EMLOCAL) Index. The EMLOCAL Index is the latest addition to the Barclays Capital Emerging Markets (EM) index platform, which includes benchmark bond indices (hard currency, local currency and inflation-linked indices), tradable bond indices, FX indices, equity indices, and interest rate swaps indices.

The EMLOCAL Index is a rules-based tradable subset of the flagship Barclays Capital Emerging Markets Local Currency Government benchmark index, and is composed of debt from up to 16 EM countries. The EMLOCAL Index is rebalanced semi-annually and includes representative and liquid benchmark-eligible bonds from four different regions (Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa), with caps and floors by both country and region to ensure diversification across markets.

“The Barclays Capital EMLOCAL Index is a result of the significant investment we have made in our EM Index platform,” said Waqas Samad, Head of Index, Portfolio and Risk Solutions for Barclays Capital. “Global investors seeking an increased EM allocation and dedicated EM investors both benefit from the market clarity offered by our extensive family of benchmark and tradable EM indices.”

The EMLOCAL index broadens the suite of available Barclays Capital local currency debt index products and represents the latest in a steady pipeline of EM tradable bond indices, including the recently launched EM Tradable Government Inflation-Linked Bond (EMTIL) Index.

About Barclays Capital Index, Portfolio and Risk Solutions

The Barclays Capital Indices platform offers market-leading benchmarks and other index products to meet the diverse needs of global investors including investment and market analysis of both alpha and beta sources, portfolio benchmarking and performance measurement, asset allocation, and the creation of index tracking funds and index-based structured products.

About Barclays Capital

Barclays Capital is the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC. With a distinctive business model, Barclays Capital provides large corporate, government and institutional clients with a full spectrum of solutions to their strategic advisory, financing and risk management needs. Barclays Capital has offices around the world, employs over 25,000 people and has the global reach, advisory services and distribution power to meet the needs of issuers and investors worldwide. For further information about Barclays Capital, please visit our website www.barclayscapital.com.

Seth Martin
+1 212 412 7565

Jodie Gray
+44 20 777 34803